Thursday, October 29, 2009

The new kitchen walls

Yes you read it right. This will be the walls in the kitchen of the farm house. My dear friend Betsy had this wonderful red rusted tin on a building that is going to be torn down. So, I traded her a cupboard for some tin! LaVern thought that was great until I broke the news that WE had to go out and take it off. Oh my! What a job! It was put up back in the days when those boards were full 2x4's and rock hard. And the nails were in like concrete. We finally got enough off to tin at least one of the 35 foot kitchen walls. Can't wait to see it up. Betsy has a small wall in her kitchen with this. And now I know why it is only tinned on the smallest wall in her kitchen! Should go up easier than it was taking it down. Primitive and positively fun.

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