Monday, November 28, 2011

Hair today...gone tomorrow

10 year old granddaughter cut 9 inches off my hair and I am sending it in to Pantene for wigs for cancer children and adults. I still have plenty of hair left so maybe I'll grow it out again for them! As long as it doesn't get any more gray hair as they can't take anything over 5% gray! I went in to a beautician and she "straightened" it up for me although it really didn't take much. One of those things on my "bucket list"! I don't miss it a bit, hair is hair. lol


Anonymous said...

I love it! The girls and I just went last Wednesday and all chopped 10 inches for Pantene. Will send pics of the girls! It was so much fun. Will grow back out and do it it again! Kim

Melinda said...

Good for you! Your bucket list sounds a lot safer than Laura's - she wants to jump out of airplanes and climb up rock cliffs!

Carolyn said...

Tell Laura to "go for it". LaVern bungee jumped out of a hot air balloon when he was in his 50's!! And we both dove off rock cliffs while white water rafting! I took a ride on an ultralight(go cart with a propellor)