Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stuck in a rut

It is when your life is the same all the time and nothing much is changing or happening. A rut is like a channel that would have been worn into the ground in the same place by a stage coach or car or any vehicle going over and over again. It becomes so worn, that it is hard to get out once something goes in. Life can be like that at times. So that is what they mean by being stuck in a rut.  Been hooking lots of pieces for the next show so at least I'm not in a rut there but sure having a time getting much else done.  My knee is giving me fits (it hurts in other words) so I guess I just don't feel like doing much else.  LaVern is always bummed when he comes home from work and I haven't blogged.  I'm just stuck in a rut, dear.  hmmm  I think deer have a rutting season.  Nope, wrong definition.  Slept outside last night on the covered deck and got cold!  It was in the 50's this AM.  Didn't have near enough covers.  Coyotes howled all night.  Tonight I am putting ear plugs in to soften the noise! 


Robin Leuschen said...

Oh boy...I've been Stuck in a rut , way too often !! I'll be praying for your road to take a new exciting turn....

Carolyn said...

Thank you, Robin. Just got to crawl up out of the channel and find a new road! lol Sure have nothing to whine about what with all the fires in different areas. Prayin daily for those people.