Monday, August 31, 2009

Accepting my limitations

When I was young, anything seemed possible; any goal was reachable. But as life goes on, choices are made and I grow older and wiser. I have learned to accept my weaknesses and develop my strengths. Instead of resisting, I now make my life simpler by accepting what is and working with that! That has made the load much lighter, both physically and mentally. I can't do it all and now have no desire to try. And you know what? It's okay. Saturday I drove to Garden City with a girlfriend to our favorite wool shop. I should have spent the day at home doing the laundry and just catching up from our long trip. But I hadn't seen Mary for a few weeks so off we went. Great conversation, beautiful weather, lots of wool, ate Mexican food, shopped the Goodwill store. It was just a day well spent and the work was still there when I got home. Accept your limitations and lighten your loads. Take joy.

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