Saturday, August 14, 2010

Girls Rule

We have 5 granddaughters and two of them came to our house last night and already the fun begins! It started at bedtime. No AC at our house so windows open and the girls said, "grandma, what's that noise?" ha ha Those are bugs! The youngest (age 4)decided she did not want to sleep upstairs so grandpa dragged the mattress downstairs for her. Brenna (age 10) promptly told me that she thought God made the crickets and locust to soothe us to sleep at night. They sure put us all to sleep! This morning we gathered a few eggs, took a short walk to check on the sheep and then made necklaces. Oh, I forgot, we snuck a couple animal crackers to Hercules, the goat. I couldn't remember if he got any last night and his daily allotment is two. A quick trip to the library to blog and check out books. Brenna is an AVID reader and she has already found 7 books. She and the librarian had a lengthy discussion about different authors. Amazing. It is exciting to see a 10 year old so eager to read. Will post more pictures as we go as I know there are other grandma's and great grandma's reading the blog. I don't have any more roosters to butcher but we told the girls they don't get out of cleaning the sheep pen! This afternoon we are going to a park to a birthday party.
On the way home after we picked up the girls (it's a 2 hour drive) the 4 year old said "I'm really bored." A few minutes later she was sound asleep. Once they settled in I was upstairs with them. Brenna loves to mess with hair so I sat on the floor and she brushed. "This is fun, grandma. Just girls talking and brushing our hair." Priceless.


Anonymous said...

sounds like lots of fun, loving all the time girl time here, have a great end of summer! kim

Melinda said...

The girls were so sweet! I bet we won't be seeing any "naked buns in the mud pictures" this week though!:) Have fun!