Went to the draft horse sale in Maryville, MO. and sold my draft mare, Peggy Sue. Made a couple Amish farm stops on the way home and I traded her collar for the 4 turkeys and two orphan lambs!! lololo The little feeder pigs are LaVern's project! I actually don't mind them as we have them turned out into the small pen that the goat used to be in so they are hardly in the barn. Took me a while to finally get a picture of them. These guys can run!! Free range pigs almost! Hope to get the turkeys out free ranging also but giving them alittle time to adjust. They want to be "up" at night to roost. Last night one was on top of the coop and then 3 of them were balancing on the gate. We finally ordered Pritchard lamb nipples and I picked them up today. Going to toss the ole hard black rubber ones. Both lambs are eating grass and drinking water from the bucket so shouldn't have to feed them long on a bottle. They are really alot of fun.
LaVern got the wood cookstove chimney in this past week. Today he is working on windows and putting up new storms. Went to his sister's last Thursday and saw some relatives. Came home with a trailer load of wheat straw bales. We still have to set the chicken house and get it ready for winter plus the turkey's coop. I am going after some apples this week and put up some applesauce. I have been driving Knight every day with the buggy. His speed has slowed down since I've gotten him home from our Amish friend who used him. Will try to get a picture of him posted as I don't think I have even done that.
I have sewing that I would like to get to and of course rug hooking. Might try to get to a rug hook-in up near Omaha next week so should hook something new to take. This morning I washed two loads of jeans in the old Maytag wringer and hung them out on the line. That machine washes so much better than the conventional I can't believe it. All in the aggitation I am sure. Did you enjoy the full harvest moon? Fantastic night for a walk! My sister in law, Patty, in Colorado called to tell me she went for a walk one of those nights! I knew she would get the bug!
Must get going and head home as LaVern will wonder where I am! Oh, to have the Internet at home!