Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stuck in a rut

It is when your life is the same all the time and nothing much is changing or happening. A rut is like a channel that would have been worn into the ground in the same place by a stage coach or car or any vehicle going over and over again. It becomes so worn, that it is hard to get out once something goes in. Life can be like that at times. So that is what they mean by being stuck in a rut.  Been hooking lots of pieces for the next show so at least I'm not in a rut there but sure having a time getting much else done.  My knee is giving me fits (it hurts in other words) so I guess I just don't feel like doing much else.  LaVern is always bummed when he comes home from work and I haven't blogged.  I'm just stuck in a rut, dear.  hmmm  I think deer have a rutting season.  Nope, wrong definition.  Slept outside last night on the covered deck and got cold!  It was in the 50's this AM.  Didn't have near enough covers.  Coyotes howled all night.  Tonight I am putting ear plugs in to soften the noise! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Multitasking...forget it

I know that multi tasking is the pace of today's world and I use to be very good at it when in the real estate business.  Maybe it is my age now or possibly I am slowing down a bit (NEVER) but multi tasking drives me crazy!  Why dilute my energy by focusing on too many things?  I have a zillion (that's a really big number) things going but today I am going to focus on just one....but first a cup of spiced chai tea while sitting out on the deck listening to the birds sing, feeling the cool breeze before it gets hot, dreaming.....is all that considered "multitasking"??? 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Common sense right out the window

Sometimes I amaze myself with the things I do that make no sense at all.  Yesterday was the hottest day for us so far this year, 98 with a heat index of over 100.  The wind was blowing about 20 mph which ended up being a good thing.  There has been a pile of hay in the barn since we bought the place (3 years ago) and it was on my "to do" list to get hauled out to the compost pile.  Now I say it was hay but it really was the leftover mess from hay that was baled, mostly dust.  So what did I do?  Yup, let's move that hay today!  4 BIG pickup loads were hauled out.  My Amish young man, who comes over to work periodically, showed up and between the two of us we got it done in three hours.  We both were coughing and sweating.  It was nasty, dirty work.  I already have a bit of sinus infection which I got last weekend when we were in Illinois and camped near the river.  I have to be allergic to some tree or plant.  Anyway the dust just added to it!  I was up at 3 AM this morning with a screeching sinus headache.  I'll keep after it with the netti pot and hopefully it will clear up  soon.  The barn sure looks nice!  I have been picking up a few small things for the Sparks antique show so now I have a place to store them!  LaVern said, "You keep this up and you'll get the entire barn cleaned yet"!  Today I am taking the Sheep Shed flatbed in to town to the coop and weighing it.  LaVern wants an idea as to how much weight it is before he adds the sides.  He has the two long sides ready to go on and just has the two ends to build.  Once the sides are on he will put the roof on and side everything.  Had a blast with the grandsons while they were here.  I'll blog later on that.  Had a bunch of pictures of them but they were erased from the camera.  Not sure how that happened so I'll just have to share the memories.  Stay cool.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Discover poetry

I think one of the great pleasures of a life well-lived is the enjoyment of poetry.  It can expand your understanding and lift your spirit.  Ideas dance in your mind and vivid pictures appear.  I love to read but only recently have started reading poems again.  A poem doesn't have to be complicated.  Even simple poems will cause your mind to rest and ponder.  The next time you are at your library, check out a book of poems. 

Vibrant life thoughts