Friday, July 10, 2009


While back in Iowa last weekend we had 4 of our 7 grandchildren with us. My mom asked me what we "did". I guess she thought with no electricity there would be nothing to do. Here is the short list of our activities:
1) Made sand castles in the sand pile
2) fished in the pond with cane poles
3) Played dominoes in the evening
4) Explored the fields
5) Drew pictures and colored
6) Walked barefoot in the mud
7) Played twistie on the rope swing in the huge cottonwood tree
8) Caught frogs and catipillars
9) Climbed hay bales in the barn
10)Chased cats
11) Visited several Amish country stores and saw horses and buggies

The list goes on. Didn't have enough days to do everything! Here is a great hint if you have kids that like to draw. Go to your local newspaper and buy an "end roll" of paper. Not expensive, probably a couple bucks. I have a big long table in the kitchen so I stretched a big piece of this paper across the entire table, set the kids up to the table with colored pencils and crayons and they had a blast. They thought it was way cool and you end up with a mural when they are done! I dumped the crayons and pencils on the table so no fights. Great, cheap fun!

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