Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I just love libraries and especially now since most offer "hot spots". I am sitting at the library in Mt. Ayr among all the books and blogging. All I am missing is a nice cup of hot chai tea and then they would have to usher me out at closing! Had several errands to do in town so ventured out. I had to make a list so that I wouldn't forget something. I have a stack of 7 books checked out for weekend reading. No internet at home yet so we usually read by the fire in the evening. Yes, we have electricity for that! Our new inverter should be coming soon and then we will be able to use everything that we would want as far as electrical. I really haven't missed not having it readily at hand. We finished putting up the wood ceiling in the bedroom that will become my "wool room". LaVern is working on the trim around the windows, door and baseboard. I may try to paint the walls tomorrow. The floors are all chipboard so I am going to try to paint, distress and then stain them. Hope the finish is something I can live with and we don't have to go to the expense of wood floors. This morning we chopped wood and then walked down to the well and started it. Chores, as LaVern calls it. The mornings have been beautiful. I love the snow and am going out yet this week to snow shoe. Would post some pictures but we can't find the camera! No clue where it is at so hope it just shows up. In case I don't get back to the blog for a couple days, wish everyone a wonderful, peaceful and healthy new year. TAKE JOY this next year, each and every day!

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