Sunday, June 27, 2010

TV time

I have watched more TV while at my folks for 4 days then I have in the past 4 years since we gave up TV. I can honestly say I have not missed having a TV. Sometimes I shudder when I think how much money my parents are spending to have "real TV" and then they only watch one or two channels. I will probably go home and retrain our dogs (too much dog whisperer) and I won't have to look at a National Geographic at the library for quite some time.
I have however managed to watch a couple good movies after sabotaging the remote from dad. The Proposal with Sandra Bullock was funny. Betty White is still a hoot after all these years.
I'll call LaVern later to see how much rain we received. I got on the radar this morning and it appeared the storms were right over Diagonal again. Good news is that it is about 10 degrees cooler in Iowa then here in Nebraska. My brother is experiencing 55 degrees this morning in Greeley, CO. Bro, send some this way!

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