Friday, October 5, 2012
Resting for awhile
This morning I realized that I have been missing some of the best part of fall, my favorite season of the year. Looking out the window at all the leaves on the ground I was discouraged because I have yet to take a walk through the woods and enjoy all the blessings He has given me. I need to remind myself that I am a human being NOT a human doing! It's time to rest, play and and enjoy being. I'm not going to blog for a while. I may not even come back to it. I'll leave it up just the same and follow my heart. I want to leave by encouraging you to pick up a yearly devotional called: Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace In His Presence by Sarah Young. Walmart carries it but you can find it online also. Find that joy and peace in each and every day regardless of the difficulties......Take Joy, Take Peace.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
People can make all kinds of plans, but only the Lord's plan will happen....Proverbs 19:21
This morning my plans were to drive the Amish crew to work, come home and get a load of wash out on the line, fill the wood boxes for this weekend (30's at night), run to town and fill the gas cans so we could finish mowing, hook on a rug in progress, etc. etc. "My plans". His plans: drove the work crew as well as run a couple errands for them, arrive home and received another phone call to drive to Maryville, MO (about an hour 15 min away). Took a teenage Amish girl, Wilma and her mother to the hospital. Stayed while they ran tests, etc and Wilma had appendicitis. They stayed and I came home. Not sure if she went in to surgery yet this evening or it will happen tomorrow. I dropped by and left word for her father. He was unable to go. Arrived home shortly after 7 pm. Tomorrow? Well, there is no certainly. I can make plans but even good intentions and plans may change. I'm going to embrace them!
This morning my plans were to drive the Amish crew to work, come home and get a load of wash out on the line, fill the wood boxes for this weekend (30's at night), run to town and fill the gas cans so we could finish mowing, hook on a rug in progress, etc. etc. "My plans". His plans: drove the work crew as well as run a couple errands for them, arrive home and received another phone call to drive to Maryville, MO (about an hour 15 min away). Took a teenage Amish girl, Wilma and her mother to the hospital. Stayed while they ran tests, etc and Wilma had appendicitis. They stayed and I came home. Not sure if she went in to surgery yet this evening or it will happen tomorrow. I dropped by and left word for her father. He was unable to go. Arrived home shortly after 7 pm. Tomorrow? Well, there is no certainly. I can make plans but even good intentions and plans may change. I'm going to embrace them!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Paring down
Just saw a news cast on NBC and Brian Williams was reporting the surge in paring down and living in less space. They interviewed several people who have chosen to live in "tiny" spaces, about 300 sq ft and less. It seemed as though Brian could not come to grasp with living in that small a space. I would love to be in that space right now! Everywhere we turn there are seductive voices urgin us to overspend. " Buy this! You won't be complete unless you own this! " We each have to learn when enough is enough and in our own time. I would rather enjoy what I already own. Try not to buy anything for a week and see how simple you can make your life. Take time to enjoy loved ones and God. Take peace that only He can give.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Don't have time for homemade? You might want to rethink it...
Most days we convince ourselves that we don't have enough "time" to make a meal, bread or alot of different foods from scratch or homemade. Well, here is some food for thought: A friend of mine left a new loaf of store bought bread out on the counter for over 6 weeks. This was a name brand of that white and soft stuff and after 6 weeks there was no sign of any mold at all. Nadda. Yikes!! Do you ever stop and wonder WHAT they are putting in that bread to give it such a long shelf life? She said it was still white and soft! A loaf of homemade bread will only last a few days on the counter or you can get a couple more if it is refrigerated. I realize that the majority of women that I know work outside in the real world in full time jobs but what about a bread machine? Next time you are in the grocery store buy an extra loaf and leave it out on your counter and give it a test.
My Amish friends grow everything organically, no chemicals at all. Recently they were able to get 50 lb bags of wheat flour that another Amish farmer ground from wheat he had grown and harvested. I was surprised that I could tell the difference in taste and texture in bread made from that flour and wheat flour purchased through an English company. Hope they can continue to get it. Homemade wheat bread, it's a good thing.
My Amish friends grow everything organically, no chemicals at all. Recently they were able to get 50 lb bags of wheat flour that another Amish farmer ground from wheat he had grown and harvested. I was surprised that I could tell the difference in taste and texture in bread made from that flour and wheat flour purchased through an English company. Hope they can continue to get it. Homemade wheat bread, it's a good thing.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Oh baby....
While I was in Sparks, KS at the flea market these little babies were hatched. Some might consider it a miraculous birth since we do NOT have a rooster!!! lol We had a hen who INSISTED on setting on the eggs in a nest. Every day I gathered the eggs from under her but she was persistent. She wouldn't leave the nest even if there were no eggs. So I took a dozen eggs over to Amish Lillian and traded for a dozen of her eggs. They have several different breeds of free range chickens AND they have a rooster. Brought them home and put them under the hen. No clue what all these are but they are sure cute!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Life is for....
I love this except I would want MIDNIGHT FULL MOON WALKS.....Taking joy and peace in just the simple things of everyday life.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pumpkins and cats
The weather has been unseasonably cool and that put me in the fall mood. I always think of cats and pumpkins for fall. The patterns for both are from Chris Mathis of Check out her patterns as they are all delightful and enjoy the thought of coming fall.
It's a sign...............
I do not like to use the word 'hate'. I think it is a very strong word and I don't want to 'hate' anything or anyone. One definition of hate is to dislike intensely or passionately; detest. What does that have to do with the above signs? I do NOT LIKE painting signs! But as with all business sales, signage is needed. I dislike painting signs so much that I even went as far as looking into having something made but you don't see alot of primitive sign makers in this area and I couldn't afford to have a sign made! LaVern knows how much I 'dislike' painting signs so he was compassionate when I appeared out in the barn where he was working. I was moaning and groaning about needing something to paint a sign on. He immediately came up with the door that was on a shed we tore down. PERFECT! I struggled but finally got it finished. I even have some spaces to add more if I need to. The Shed sign is painted on a board with a faded red barn board. It is up against the type of tin that sides the Shed so you are getting a sneak peek! So I have signs (and I think a reminder of God's love).
Thursday, August 16, 2012
About learning...
The mind of a person with understanding gets knowledge; the wise person listens to learn more....Proverbs 18:15. I love widening my horizons and learning something new. We should all challenge ourselves to do this as that education will help us make better choices in our daily walk of life.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Catching up is hard to do
This is our yard.............brown, dry grass
Cracks in the ground on the path down to the well
Evening picture of the last full moon
We've had a couple brief showers and still love seeing a rainbow
Yesterday was a long day of driving. Took a couple Amish families to Jamesport, MO which is a very big Amish community, 165 families more or less. Lots of errands to do and I did alittle shopping at the antique stores while they visited with family. I left home at 7 AM and got in at midnight! Too late for this old person! I have been dragging today and plan on going to bed early tonight!
Cracks in the ground on the path down to the well
Evening picture of the last full moon
We've had a couple brief showers and still love seeing a rainbow
Yesterday was a long day of driving. Took a couple Amish families to Jamesport, MO which is a very big Amish community, 165 families more or less. Lots of errands to do and I did alittle shopping at the antique stores while they visited with family. I left home at 7 AM and got in at midnight! Too late for this old person! I have been dragging today and plan on going to bed early tonight!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Monday is laundry day
I drove some Amish friends to Stanberry, MO today and while visiting at one place I took a picture with my cell phone. Sorry it isn't better but thought you might enjoy seeing their clothes line. This is only about 1/3 of the clothes on the line. It stretched from down at the house all the way up to the upper part of their BIG barn. It is on a pulley system. Alot of the Amish in our area hang their clothes out this way. This particular family has 10 children so lots of laundry. You can't tell from the picture but all the clothes are either forest green, dark brown, black or a dark grey. The white clothes on the lower lines are their Sunday shirts, aprons for the women and girls. Had an enjoyable day but I'm tired tonight. (I didn't get my laundry done today!)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Written in 1917....Blessed of the Lord...
"Blessed of the Lord be His land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush."
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Trust in the goodness of God
Praying for the people of Aurora that they know even in the darkest of times, God is with them and will carry them through this.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
No rain...but still thankful
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Garden fruit
What's for breakfast? Blackberries from the garden, cooked steel cut oats and honey from Daniel's bees. Mother Nature at her best!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Heat wave
They are telling us that this heat wave is going to break by Monday and I will be glad for that. Not up to 100 yet today but it was yesterday. It is really dry here and the crops are showing the stress. Even the animals are suffering. My neighbor Lillian said she lost a couple fryers due to the heat. I let our hens out fairly early so that they can find cooler shelter in the pole shed. Put a fan on the floor and the dogs lay in front of it. I open the house up at night and then shut it up about 9 or 10 in the AM. It actually isn't too bad as long as you don't try to do anything! lol So far sleeping out on the deck is working out well. I don't think LaVern will be ready to come inside to sleep until fall!
LaVern had the 4th off so we went to Jamesport, MO. to a huge Amish consignment auction. I'm not sure how many acres it covered but they had 7 rings going!!! Long, long rows of stuff and a pickup or haywagon pulled by a team, went down a row with the auctioneer crying. You can imagine how big it was with 6 rings going at the same time. The 7th crew auctioned two big circus tents that had 12 hay wagons full and then stuff lined up on both sides of the wagons! They started at 8 AM and finished the tents at 6 PM! There had to have been at least 200 wringer wash machines!! The old kind that my mother would have used back in the 1950's. Some of those sold for $400! There must have been 200 pressure canners and lots of butter churns. I wasn't sure I was going to make it until the end as it was so hot. About 1 PM I thought I was going to have to quit and come home but I got under a tent, put a neck cooler on and just rested. Felt better then and stayed until the end. I took 2 gallons of water, several Gatorades and some soda and LaVern and I drank all of that! I have been going to auctions every weekend as I need inventory for the next show in September. I don't think there is anything worth driving to this weekend so I will be happy to stay home and maybe work on some of the things I picked up. Too hot to be out in the barn so LaVern goes out early in the AM to work on the trailer. Next week we are to be in the 80's during the day and upper 60s at night. That will be wonderful and the house will cool down then. Hope you are staying cool where you are at!
LaVern had the 4th off so we went to Jamesport, MO. to a huge Amish consignment auction. I'm not sure how many acres it covered but they had 7 rings going!!! Long, long rows of stuff and a pickup or haywagon pulled by a team, went down a row with the auctioneer crying. You can imagine how big it was with 6 rings going at the same time. The 7th crew auctioned two big circus tents that had 12 hay wagons full and then stuff lined up on both sides of the wagons! They started at 8 AM and finished the tents at 6 PM! There had to have been at least 200 wringer wash machines!! The old kind that my mother would have used back in the 1950's. Some of those sold for $400! There must have been 200 pressure canners and lots of butter churns. I wasn't sure I was going to make it until the end as it was so hot. About 1 PM I thought I was going to have to quit and come home but I got under a tent, put a neck cooler on and just rested. Felt better then and stayed until the end. I took 2 gallons of water, several Gatorades and some soda and LaVern and I drank all of that! I have been going to auctions every weekend as I need inventory for the next show in September. I don't think there is anything worth driving to this weekend so I will be happy to stay home and maybe work on some of the things I picked up. Too hot to be out in the barn so LaVern goes out early in the AM to work on the trailer. Next week we are to be in the 80's during the day and upper 60s at night. That will be wonderful and the house will cool down then. Hope you are staying cool where you are at!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Our deepest fear
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be - brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so small that other people won’t feel insecure around you.We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It’s not just in us, it’s in everyone.As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "
Marianne Williamson, founder of The Peace Alliance
Marianne Williamson, founder of The Peace Alliance
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Stuck in a rut
It is when your life is the same all the time and nothing much is changing or happening. A rut is like a channel that would have been worn into the ground in the same place by a stage coach or car or any vehicle going over and over again. It becomes so worn, that it is hard to get out once something goes in. Life can be like that at times. So that is what they mean by being stuck in a rut. Been hooking lots of pieces for the next show so at least I'm not in a rut there but sure having a time getting much else done. My knee is giving me fits (it hurts in other words) so I guess I just don't feel like doing much else. LaVern is always bummed when he comes home from work and I haven't blogged. I'm just stuck in a rut, dear. hmmm I think deer have a rutting season. Nope, wrong definition. Slept outside last night on the covered deck and got cold! It was in the 50's this AM. Didn't have near enough covers. Coyotes howled all night. Tonight I am putting ear plugs in to soften the noise!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Multitasking...forget it
I know that multi tasking is the pace of today's world and I use to be very good at it when in the real estate business. Maybe it is my age now or possibly I am slowing down a bit (NEVER) but multi tasking drives me crazy! Why dilute my energy by focusing on too many things? I have a zillion (that's a really big number) things going but today I am going to focus on just one....but first a cup of spiced chai tea while sitting out on the deck listening to the birds sing, feeling the cool breeze before it gets hot, all that considered "multitasking"???
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Common sense right out the window
Sometimes I amaze myself with the things I do that make no sense at all. Yesterday was the hottest day for us so far this year, 98 with a heat index of over 100. The wind was blowing about 20 mph which ended up being a good thing. There has been a pile of hay in the barn since we bought the place (3 years ago) and it was on my "to do" list to get hauled out to the compost pile. Now I say it was hay but it really was the leftover mess from hay that was baled, mostly dust. So what did I do? Yup, let's move that hay today! 4 BIG pickup loads were hauled out. My Amish young man, who comes over to work periodically, showed up and between the two of us we got it done in three hours. We both were coughing and sweating. It was nasty, dirty work. I already have a bit of sinus infection which I got last weekend when we were in Illinois and camped near the river. I have to be allergic to some tree or plant. Anyway the dust just added to it! I was up at 3 AM this morning with a screeching sinus headache. I'll keep after it with the netti pot and hopefully it will clear up soon. The barn sure looks nice! I have been picking up a few small things for the Sparks antique show so now I have a place to store them! LaVern said, "You keep this up and you'll get the entire barn cleaned yet"! Today I am taking the Sheep Shed flatbed in to town to the coop and weighing it. LaVern wants an idea as to how much weight it is before he adds the sides. He has the two long sides ready to go on and just has the two ends to build. Once the sides are on he will put the roof on and side everything. Had a blast with the grandsons while they were here. I'll blog later on that. Had a bunch of pictures of them but they were erased from the camera. Not sure how that happened so I'll just have to share the memories. Stay cool.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Discover poetry
I think one of the great pleasures of a life well-lived is the enjoyment of poetry. It can expand your understanding and lift your spirit. Ideas dance in your mind and vivid pictures appear. I love to read but only recently have started reading poems again. A poem doesn't have to be complicated. Even simple poems will cause your mind to rest and ponder. The next time you are at your library, check out a book of poems.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Cajun fun
We made a fast trip back to western Nebraska and picked up our 9 year old grandson, Reid. He will stay a few weeks with us. Already we have had several adventures and created new memories. I told him that it would be fun to go to Louisiana but since we couldn't do that we would bring it to us. He made fish from construction paper and hung them under the roof that covers the deck (didn't get them in the picture). We covered the table with freezer paper. Finger bowls with water, plastic bibs, melted butter in individual bowls and cajun music playing set the mood. I made a big pot of shrimp boil; shrimp, new potatoes, onion, chunks of smoked sausage, small chunks of corn on the cob....all cooked in cajun spice. Then I just dumped it on the table and you dig silverware!! lolol We tapped our feet to Cajun Bayou by Buckwheat Zydeco, laughed and dripped butter all over our bibs!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Floor is finished
The floor to the Sheep Shed is installed! Hooray! It is all used pine tongue/groove flooring and was quite a task to install. LaVern has the wall laid out on the floor next to the trailer and is ready to construct the it on the trailer once we determine the placement of windows and doors. Can't wait for you to see the doors, salvage, of course but perfect for this moving booth.
Here is a picture of the chicken feeder that LaVern made. I love it! Doesn't take up any space and will be easy to keep clean. I was using the old wood chicken feeder with the perches but this is so much better. I love it when other people come up with these great ideas!! My hens love them too!
Here is a picture of the chicken feeder that LaVern made. I love it! Doesn't take up any space and will be easy to keep clean. I was using the old wood chicken feeder with the perches but this is so much better. I love it when other people come up with these great ideas!! My hens love them too!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
How often during the day do you hear, "I don't have enough time. Take time to do this or that. If only I had more time."? Daniel (age 16), our Amish neighbor was over to our place last evening helping with some projects. He and LaVern came in to the house for a glass of water. Upon leaving Daniel saw our clock on the wall and said to LaVern, "Whose time is that, yours or God's?" LaVern said that later on he gave that some thought and realized that it is all God's time. Isaiah 49:8..."In the time of my favor I will answer you.." Doesn't matter what the clock says. There is a time for everything and the hands of that time are God's. Whose time are you on?
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Waste not that backing
I try to use, reuse, recycle and repurpose everything that I can and that holds true to rug hooking also. When you are finished hooking a rug or small piece one always has those big corners and sides of backing that will be cut away and typically discarded. You can use those pieces also. I love them for making mug rugs and pins to keep on hand for gifts! I save the salvage edges of my wool and use those for the strips to hold the pieces of backing to my frame and then hook away. Sometimes I will hook those corners right after I finish a big piece but if I'm pressed for time I just save the sides for a day I need a break from hooking something larger. The mug rugs and pins go fast! I need to get a closeup picture of the sunflower pin with the santa mug rug and tree rug. I had some leftover brown burlap (think I picked it up at the thrift store) and I pulled the strands apart. Then I took 4-5 strips of the burlap, held altogether, and hooked the center of the sunflower! Love the texture that it has, almost like a real flower. I am going to hook a small mat and use burlap strings entirely. Want to dye a bit of it first. Hope your day is full of joy.
Just picked a bowl full of fresh strawberries! I made LaVern's favorite shortcake so you know what we will have for dessert at lunch! We will eat them fresh until we can't keep up and then I will can some. They are really early this year as usually it is mid June before they are ready and I have a grandson or two here to help eat them. I introduced the boys to strawberries dipped in sour cream and then brown sugar. I thought they'd get sick for sure they ate so many that way!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Sheep Shed affirmation
I believe that we are continually affirming subconsciously with our thoughts and words and that this flow of affirmations is creating some of our life experiences in every moment. The idea of the Sheep Shed was affirmed (physically) for me with this print. Wait. Let me back up and tell the whole story. Twice a year I take part in the antique/flea market show in Sparks, KS. I have a 20x30 booth and I take two Ezy-Up tents. These tents are NOT easy up but they are, for the most part, rain proof. Unless you have a downpour rain and then the east half of my booth space is ankle deep in water. Ugh. Not a fun thing to deal with and it takes several hours for the water to leave. But I love this space and my neighboring vendors so I really want to stay there. I now have lots of repeat customers also so moving wouldn't be in my best interest. LaVern ususally stays home and works the first two days of the show and comes down for the last two days. This (unfortunately for him) leaves me with time to think!! Once again this past show I was flooded and dealt with moving stuff to keep it from getting wet and then the mud. The sides of the tents also end of being a mess and have to be cleaned after I get home. I was thinking (uh oh) that there has to be a better way. My neighboring vendors across from my booth are under a permanent booth, tin shed. The chances of a booth opening up there are slim to none. So, why not bring my own shed! Thus the idea of a Sheep Shed was born AND LaVern can build ANYTHING. As I was pondering all this, I gave it all over to the Lord and waited for confirmation. We were at a slow point during the show when Ken and Nan (vendors across the way and good friends) asked me if I had seen this picture in their booth. Now I have been in and out of their booth a zillion times and missed it. They have had it at the show before. I bought it on the spot. Sorry my photo doesn't show it well but it is a herd of sheep and the person in the background sure appears to be a shepherdess. It is a very old print and I found a signature at the bottom. This is so interesting. Artist's name was Joseph Farquharson who was born in 1846 in Scotland. He had a prolific life as a painter and primarily painted sheep. He even constructed a painting hut on wheels (Sheep Shed) that was complete with a stove and large glass window from which to observe the landscape. My picture is called Leaving the Hills. His paintings are now reproduced and sold. Several years ago I saw one and bought it and hung it in my real estate office! I had no idea this was the same artist when I saw this print. The Sheep Shed is coming together and I am amazed at how it is all falling in place. The perfect flatbed was found on Craigslist and we had the perfect doors and windows out in the barn. I tell people that I ask God to send me an electric sign as I struggle with "is this my idea or His". I think I received an electric sign on this one! Sheep Shed................affirmed.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Surprise in the wood box
Last Monday morning, early, LaVern calls me out to the porch where we have a big wood box that holds firewood during the winter months. It sits empty now, well, almost. One of our farm cats jumped in the box and had 5 baby kittens! She is a dark colored cat and 2 babies are dark, 1 tiger striped and 2 orange ones! I have no idea why she chose that place when we have a big barn with hay. LaVern placed a board over one end to kind of seclude them. Ocassionally I can hear them mewing when I have the door open.
Trying to get back in to a routine since getting home from Sparks, KS. Had a great show again but the weather wasn't the best. Storms with rain each night and one early morning a downpour which left the east side of my booth ankle deep in water, Ugh. This happened last year also so it wasn't unexpected. Really like the spot so don't want to move but we need a different plan for a booth. We may have an idea and I'll keep you posted. Don't want to give away too much just yet! lol I have been driving the Amish work crew every day since I got back so staying busy. Hooking a few things and will try to post pictures of that. I need to go out and shut the hens up for the night and check on the ponies. LaVern is in to work tonight as he is stripping and waxing the kitchen floors and needs to do it when everyone is gone. Don't think I'll be able to wait up as my eyes are trying to close now. Been on a routine of getting up at 4 AM so by 9 I am ready for bed! nite
Trying to get back in to a routine since getting home from Sparks, KS. Had a great show again but the weather wasn't the best. Storms with rain each night and one early morning a downpour which left the east side of my booth ankle deep in water, Ugh. This happened last year also so it wasn't unexpected. Really like the spot so don't want to move but we need a different plan for a booth. We may have an idea and I'll keep you posted. Don't want to give away too much just yet! lol I have been driving the Amish work crew every day since I got back so staying busy. Hooking a few things and will try to post pictures of that. I need to go out and shut the hens up for the night and check on the ponies. LaVern is in to work tonight as he is stripping and waxing the kitchen floors and needs to do it when everyone is gone. Don't think I'll be able to wait up as my eyes are trying to close now. Been on a routine of getting up at 4 AM so by 9 I am ready for bed! nite
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Hooked put together
Wish the picture was better but anyway, I took what I think was some sort of frame, possibly a door off something, and I put two different 1800's prints in front of fabric. The bottom one doesn't show but it is of two children reading a book with a sheep pull toy along side them. The middle space did not have any glass so I hooked the sheep on dark brown burlap and he went in there. I'll try to get a better picture later as I sure don't have time right now! lol Just getting outside my box and doing something different. I used this funky yarn from Mountain Colors to hook the sheep body so up close he looks like he has all sorts of kinky, curly hair. Really turned out great.
Must run. Wooly hugs.
Must run. Wooly hugs.
Cutting it close
I wanted a neutral plain background for this rug and when I laid it out I thought it should be enough. Oh, my, it was close! Those few little pieces at the top of the rug was all that I had left. As I neared the end I thought for sure I was going to have to "make do" and just put something else in but just had enough. Cut in a 9 again so very "prim". PC doesn't show the colors well. I was hoping for something muted and not many colors. Trying to get that "early" look where they didn't have alot of wool to choose from. At least the "plains" women wouldn't have had much. I think the women of wealth on the east coast hooked with more variety and you see a lot of traditional rugs from there. I know I'm not there yet but eventually I want a "make do" with what you have look and simple patterns. Learning more as I go along and that is what's fun. I am packing for the Sparks, KS flea market/antique show that starts Thursday. Great show and I enjoy the crowds, my dealer neighbors and camping out. Pictures when I get home. Oh, have something else to show so will go take a picture and get it posted. :-)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Word of God Speak
I am just catching up on my list of blogs that I follow and it seemed appropriate that I write this blog as several people are struggling. Lots of blogs concerning individuals copying others rug patterns and not paying the individual artist. I just don't understand this. So to my friend, Robin and others...........go listen to Mercy Me............Word of God Speak. Rest in His holiness. Take peace.
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s
The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead it maintains that, just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect.
Such an event happened yesterday when I received my Tasha Tudor newsletter in the mail and promptly read it front to back. Then spent a little time on the web reading through my numerous blog lists. I follow a wonderful fiber artist in Oregon. I love her rug hooking and she shares her knowledge on a blog. Anyway, yesterday she posted a blog about the day she met Tasha Tudor!. I had no idea she too followed Tasha for years and was inspired by her. She posted some wonderful pictures and you can see them at: I love those little "coincidences" or as another friend calls them, "God winks".
The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead it maintains that, just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect.
Such an event happened yesterday when I received my Tasha Tudor newsletter in the mail and promptly read it front to back. Then spent a little time on the web reading through my numerous blog lists. I follow a wonderful fiber artist in Oregon. I love her rug hooking and she shares her knowledge on a blog. Anyway, yesterday she posted a blog about the day she met Tasha Tudor!. I had no idea she too followed Tasha for years and was inspired by her. She posted some wonderful pictures and you can see them at: I love those little "coincidences" or as another friend calls them, "God winks".
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Three state run
I went after bees yesterday with some Amish friends and ended up in three states, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri! We came home with not only 3 swarms of bees but also two week old bottle lambs, 50 assorted 2 week old chicks, 1 buck rabbit, a Maytag wringer washer, belt sander and a nylon neck rope for a buggy horse. What an enjoyable day! Good conversation and many, many laughs. The honey locust trees are in full bloom, the Missouri river is up high, blue martins are back, wild raspberries are blooming and the gooseberries are about pea size. We saw a black squirrel and I learned a couple new words in German. An enjoyable day indeed. Came home to find a new rug hooking frame that I had ordered had arrived. Can hardly wait to try it out. I am heading out the door this morning to go to the open house of an Amish greenhouse just south of us. Their plants and flowers are awesome and I have a couple planters I want to fill. Then back home to start sorting through furniture in the barn for the flea market/antique show coming up in Sparks, KS. Discarded treasures that will be valued by someone else. Take joy.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Choosing entertainment
All the movie talk these days is about a movie called Hunger Games. I don't have a clue what it is about but from what I have heard from others I don't have any desire to watch it. I think my entertainment choices color my mood and affect my attitude. Much like being around a "negative attitude" person for hours on end after awhile it affects my mood. Choosing entertainment alternatives can lift your spirits and give you extra energy. Try getting away from passive entertainment altogether and create your own fun. Instead of watching TV or playing computer games, read a good book, get together with friends or go for a walk in nature! Not only will you be simplifying your life but nourishing your spirit.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Sketch and a Camera

I can NOT draw and there are things I would love to hook if only I could draw them. I think it took me a day to draw Owyn for the rug. I found some software..........FREE..........and I can turn a photo into a sketch, print it out, enlarge to the size I want and hook a rug! I am so excited. I want to hook our barn and maybe I'll try our 1948 Curtis Wright trailer. It's raining this morning. Good day to stay in and hook!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Owyn, The Corgi Rug
3 feet x 3 1/2 big rug! AND he was hooked with all wide cuts, 3/4 inch cuts or alittle bigger! The rug is so soft. Like stepping on really nice carpeting which is going to feel good next winter, upstairs in our unheated bedroom on wood floors. The colors are not showing up well on my PC but Owyn's coloring is just like he is, kind of an orange and then there are lots of muted reds, greens, plum, brown in the background. For all you rug hookers, if you have never hooked a wide cut you really should try it! I hand tore all my strips and it was fun hooking. Owyn is going to love laying on this rug.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Gatherings on the Blue
I just got home after spending 3 fabulous days at a teaching workshop in Milford, NE. (west of Lincoln). The setting was a country home and the instructor, Jayne Hester of NY, was wonderful. Enjoying the company of others can energize and encourage you. It is always exciting to see what others are working on and the sharing of ideas and techniques is priceless. Those relationships are more important to me than any outward accomplishment will ever be. I have come to realize that when I am relaxed and calm my energy is well focused, I can think clearly (for the most part!) and the creative juices flow. Watching and listening to Jayne color plan rugs was very rewarding and I love her style. Judy and Jan were such gracious hostessess that one did not want to leave. Food and lodging were wonderful and some great recipes were shared. I stayed up hooking way past my normal bedtime hours and last night I "crashed"! I"ll post my rug later. I was able to hook it during the workshop but now will bind and block it. The two girls are hosting a rug hookin in Lincoln in just a couple weeks and I plan on attending. Always some great vendors and lots of wonderful rugs to enjoy. I'm thankful when I can take in workshops and hook ins as I am pretty isolated from other hookers in my area. Can't wait to plan a new rug and use some of the things I learned. Make time to enjoy the company of others. Sit back. Relax.
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